
奧斯卡2025影后|25歲Mikey Madison演脫衣舞孃奪影后 上台特別感謝1類人



奧斯卡2025|第97屆奧斯卡金像獎於今日(3日)早上8點舉行,ViuTV將於今晚7點半進行重播,屆時大家可以重溫紅地氈及頒獎禮盛況,欣賞這次電影界的年度盛事。25歲美國演員Mikey Madison憑藉《阿諾拉》奪得今屆最佳女主角,領獎時於台上感激性工作者群體,表示有他們的經歷才能成就今日的她。
奧斯卡 25歲Mikey Madison奪最佳女主角(圖片來源:ViuTV 直播截圖)
25歲Mikey Madison奪最佳女主角(圖片來源:ViuTV 直播截圖)

Mikey Madison演脫衣舞孃奪最佳女主角

Mikey Madison於台上形容「非常超現實」,她表示自己雖然在洛杉磯成長,但「荷里活」對她而言是個好遙遠的地方,如今卻能站在奧斯卡舞台上實在「太不可思議」。她首先感激一眾家人朋友,又感謝《阿諾拉》的導演Sean Baker及一眾台前幕後人員;另外她特別鳴謝性工作者群體,因為她在拍攝前曾實地取材過他們的經歷,「我有幸從那個群體中遇到各種了不起的女性」,成就今日的她。她最後形容「這是一個夢想成真的經歷」。

奧斯卡 (圖片來源:ig@officialmikeymadison)

Mikey Madison原文感言如下:

「This is very surreal. I’m nervous. I’m gonna read off of a paper, but thank you so much to the Academy. I grew up in Los Angeles, but Hollywood always felt so far away from me. So to be here standing in this room today is really incredible. Thank you, Neon, Film Nation, Universal. Thank you to my incredible family, my mom and my dad and my sister and my little brother, and my twin brother, Miles—thank you for being my best friend, not that you have a choice…Thank you, Brighton Beach, for lending us your beautiful backdrop and incredible community…I also just want to again recognize and honor the sex worker community. I will continue to support and be an ally. All of the incredible people, the women that I’ve had the privilege of meeting from that community has been one of the highlights of this entire incredible experience.
I also just want to recognize the thoughtful, intelligent, beautiful, breathtaking work of my fellow nominees. I’m honored to be recognized alongside all of you. This is a dream come true; I’m probably gonna wake up tomorrow.
Thank you so much to Sean. I adore you. This is all because of you. Thank you.」

相關文意:奧斯卡2025影后|25歲Mikey Madison憑《阿諾拉》奪最佳女主角 奮鬥史大公開

圖片來源:ViuTV 直播截圖、ig@officialmikeymadison