王若琳 (Joanna Wang) Dead Talents Society - 電影《鬼才之道》英文版主題曲 王若琳 (Joanna Wang)新歌《Dead Talents Society - 電影《鬼才之道》英文版主題曲》|歌詞+新歌試聽+MV

王若琳 (Joanna Wang)新歌《Dead Talents Society – 電影《鬼才之道》英文版主題曲》|歌詞+新歌試聽+MV



Dead Talents Society – 電影《鬼才之道》英文版主題曲歌詞|王若琳 (Joanna Wang)於2024-07-26推出全新歌曲《Dead Talents Society – 電影《鬼才之道》英文版主題曲》,新假期為您整合了王若琳 (Joanna Wang)新歌的詳細資訊、歌詞內容,以及MV的首播曝光情報。

王若琳 (Joanna Wang)《Dead Talents Society – 電影《鬼才之道》英文版主題曲》 | 目錄

  1. 王若琳 (Joanna Wang)《Dead Talents Society – 電影《鬼才之道》英文版主題曲》|歌詞
  2. 王若琳 (Joanna Wang)《Dead Talents Society – 電影《鬼才之道》英文版主題曲》|製作
  3. 王若琳 (Joanna Wang)《Dead Talents Society – 電影《鬼才之道》英文版主題曲》|新歌試聽
  4. 王若琳 (Joanna Wang)《Dead Talents Society – 電影《鬼才之道》英文版主題曲》|MV

王若琳 (Joanna Wang)《Dead Talents Society – 電影《鬼才之道》英文版主題曲》|歌詞

Somethings I know, that should never be told
If you stare in the night for too long you just might
See what you’ve been sold

Dearly departed from the last place to call home
I’m making a scene like Sergio Leone

It’s a wonderful production, it’s a whole thing
It’s got a crew and a cast it’s got everything
Just wait until you see what we got up our sleeves
You will be petrified, maybe tears in your eyes
We’re gonna make you scream

I just want you to love me, but I could never atone
I looked realized I surely surmised
There’re the neon lights

It’s a wonderful production, it’s a whole thing
It’s got a crew and a cast it’s got everything
Just wait until you see what we got up our sleeves
You will be petrified, maybe tears in your eyes
We’re gonna make you scream

So scare or you’ll be scared, it’s a mighty terrible world
While we stake our claims, mend the parts that we maimed
Hell only knows we’re all the same

It’s a wonderful production, it’s a whole thing
It’s got a crew and a cast it’s got everything
Just wait until you see what we got up our sleeves
You will be petrified, maybe tears in your eyes
We’re gonna make you scream

It’s a wonderful production, it’s a whole thing
When the crews in the casket makes the Underlord sing!
When we say it is to die for you better believe
You will be petrified, maybe tears in your eyes
We’re gonna make you scream


王若琳 (Joanna Wang)《Dead Talents Society – 電影《鬼才之道》英文版主題曲》|製作


王若琳 (Joanna Wang)《Dead Talents Society – 電影《鬼才之道》英文版主題曲》|新歌試聽


王若琳 (Joanna Wang)《Dead Talents Society – 電影《鬼才之道》英文版主題曲》|MV

