BIBI, Jackson Wang Feeling Lucky BIBI, Jackson Wang新歌《Feeling Lucky》|歌詞+新歌試聽+MV

BIBI, Jackson Wang新歌《Feeling Lucky》|歌詞+新歌試聽+MV



Feeling Lucky歌詞|BIBI, Jackson Wang於2024-04-26推出全新歌曲《Feeling Lucky》,新假期為您整合了BIBI, Jackson Wang新歌的詳細資訊、歌詞內容,以及MV的首播曝光情報。

BIBI, Jackson Wang《Feeling Lucky》 | 目錄

  1. BIBI, Jackson Wang《Feeling Lucky》|歌詞
  2. BIBI, Jackson Wang《Feeling Lucky》|製作
  3. BIBI, Jackson Wang《Feeling Lucky》|新歌試聽
  4. BIBI, Jackson Wang《Feeling Lucky》|MV

BIBI, Jackson Wang《Feeling Lucky》|歌詞

Something about
The way you kiss it
Don't ever stop
You know you started something
You're on the stop
I'm feeling lucky
Go head and touch it if you want it baby keep me coming
Something about the way that it taste
You're running your mouth at a dangerous
You know what to do and you know what to say
Even when you're away I'm always thinking bout' you
The way you think about me
I think about you
I do it's true
I think about you
Way you think about me
I think about you
I do it's true
Its bitter sweet every time you leaving
I say goodbye and turn around because you know I need it
You're on my mind and I'm feeling lucky
So if you're thinking what I'm thinking baby keep it coming
Something about the way that it taste
You're running your mouth at a dangerous
You know what to do and you know what to say
Even when you're away I'm always thinking bout' you
The way you think about me
I think about you
I do it's true
I think about you
Way you think about me
I think about you
I do it's true
Knew that you were worth it
I can feel you when you're gone
Tripping on your circuit
You're just like my favorite song
Cause when its all over and the tape won't run
I'll be glad I found you
The way you think about me
I think about you
I do it's true
I think about you
Way you think about me
I think about you
I do it's true
The way you think about me
I think about you
I do it's true
I think about you
Way you think about me
I think about you
I do it's true


BIBI, Jackson Wang《Feeling Lucky》|製作


BIBI, Jackson Wang《Feeling Lucky》|新歌試聽


BIBI, Jackson Wang《Feeling Lucky》|MV


