AGA The Lovers AGA新歌《The Lovers》|歌詞+新歌試聽+MV

AGA新歌《The Lovers》|歌詞+新歌試聽+MV



The Lovers歌詞|AGA於2024-01-19推出全新歌曲《The Lovers》,新假期為您整合了AGA新歌的詳細資訊、歌詞內容,以及MV的首播曝光情報。

AGA《The Lovers》 | 目錄

  1. AGA《The Lovers》|歌詞
  2. AGA《The Lovers》|製作
  3. AGA《The Lovers》|新歌試聽
  4. AGA《The Lovers》|MV

AGA《The Lovers》|歌詞

Get carried away
I just get carried away
I think of you
And that’s it for today
Your eyes they’re like a faith
I can’t look the other way
It’s outer space
And I thought we have said

“We are the world
We are the fire
We are the songs
For every lover”

How do I say?
It’s us against the world
Ohh babe if we make it in time

Ooo baby it’s been a long long while
So love me like a last time
Oo baby it’s a long long while
So kiss me like the first time
Ooo baby if I only knew that it could be our last time
Don’t say why
Just don’t say why

Your eyes they’re like a faith
I can’t look the other way
It’s outer space
And I thought we have said

“We are the world
We are the fire
We are the songs
For every lover”

How do I say?
It’s us against the world
Ohh babe if we make it in time

Ooo babe it’s been a long long while
So love me like a last time
Oo baby it’s a long long while
So kiss me like the first time
Ooo baby if I only knew that it could be our last time
Don’t say why
Just don’t say why

Ooo babe it’s been a long long while
So kiss me like a last time
Oo baby it’s a long long while
So love me like the first time
Ooo baby if I only knew that it could be our last time
Don’t say why
Just don’t ask why
Ooh… why….


AGA《The Lovers》|製作


AGA《The Lovers》|新歌試聽


AGA《The Lovers》|MV


