【今晚食乜餸】零失敗 自家製脆皮燒肉食譜@Jacky Yu



燒臘檔裡的美味燒肉,總覺得製法非常繁複而且花時間,但原來可在家中輕易做到,而且效果出乎意料的好,外皮鬆化,肉質又嫩又 Juicy!是零失敗保證成功的製作,人人食得開心!


五花腩 ……. 1件(1,600克,約 2 斤)



玫瑰露 ……………………………. 2 湯匙

紹興酒 ……………………………. 1 湯匙

胡椒粉 ……………………………. 1 茶匙

五香粉 ……………………………. 1 茶匙

粗鹽 (A)………………………….. 3 湯匙

粗 鹽 (B)………………………….350 g

白醋 ………………………………. 2 湯匙







1. 豬腩肉洗淨,抹乾水分,起出排骨,先將玫瑰露及紹興酒混合,均勻抹在腩肉上,再均勻抹上胡椒粉、五香粉及粗鹽 (A),將肉反轉皮向上放入容器在雪櫃醃一晚。隔日取出腩肉,以豬皮插在豬皮上均勻插遍整件 豬皮,放在錫紙上,以錫紙摺成盤狀盛著腩 肉,再在豬皮上均勻抹上白醋及鋪上粗鹽 (B)

2. 隔日取出腩肉,以豬皮插在豬皮上均勻插遍整件豬皮,放在錫紙上,以錫紙摺成盤狀盛著腩肉,再在豬皮上均勻抹上白醋及鋪上粗鹽 (B)。

3. 預熱焗爐 200°C,將腩肉放入焗約 50 分鐘,取出,撥開及抹淨鋪在豬皮上的粗鹽,再用豬皮插均勻地在豬皮上再插一遍。

4. 將焗爐加熱至 279°C,將腩肉直接放在烤架上,再焗約 30 分鐘,直至豬皮爆滿脆泡及鬆化,取出,讓腩肉稍為冷卻一下之後,便可斬件享用了。



• 如買回來的腩肉豬皮上仍有豬毛的話,要先用廚房火槍將毛燒掉。

• 剛焗起的燒肉不要馬上進食,要先讓它冷卻一下,令熱氣及水分揮發後,吃起來豬皮會香脆鬆化。

• 以豬皮插插豬皮時,一定要整塊豬皮都要插遍,讓豬皮在烤焗過程中可以爆起香脆的脆泡,這樣豬皮吃起來才有香脆鬆化的效果。

• 吃剩隔夜的燒肉,皮已經不脆了,不想浪費,你可配以鹹蝦醬蒸,或配以鹹蝦醬、砂糖及韮菜炒。它們都是非常美味的廚餘再生美味小菜。



Pork Belly 1pc (1,600g / around 2 catty)



2tbsp Chinese rose wine 1tbsp Shaoxing wine

1tsp pepper

1tsp five spice powder

3tbsp rock Salt ( A )

350g rock Salt ( B )

2 tbsp white vinegar



Meat tenderizer

Aluminum foil



1. Wash pork belly, wipe dry and bone-out. Mix Chinese rose wine with Shaoxing wine, and marinate the pork belly together with pepper, five spice powders and rock sal(t A)thoroughly overnight in refrigerator, with skin side up.

2. Take pork out, and use meat tenderizer to tenderize whole piece of skin. Put the belly on aluminum foil which is then folded into a pan shape. Rub the skin 3 withwhitevinegarandcoverwithrocksal(t B).

3. Roast in a preheated oven at 200°C for 50 minutes. Take out from oven, and discard all rock salt on the skin. Tenderize the skin thoroughly once again.

4. Roast again, on a roast rack this time, in a preheated oven at 279°C for 30 minutes, until the skin looks crispy. Take out from oven and rest. Chop into pieces and serve.



• Burn the skin with heat gun so as to remove hair.

• Rest the belly before eat. The skin will be crispier because water and heat are evaporated.

• Tenderize the skin thoroughly, so the skin would be crispy.

• Though the skin of the leftover belly is no longer crispy, you may steam them with shrimp paste, or stir- fry them with shrimp paste, sugar and Chinese leek so as to reduce wastage. They are delicious dishes.



