【今晚食乜餸】宴客神級頭盤!橄欖油漬生蠔食譜!@Jacky Yu
蠔的吃法很多,生、半熟以至全熟都有不同風 味,今期分享的這道油漬生蠔,經煮製過後再配以橄欖油及香料醃製,鮮美之間多了一份吃蠔少有的質感及香氣。如宴客時做頭盤,此菜可預先做好,到上菜時連玻璃瓶一起上桌,賣相別致,更可節省你在廚房的工夫,騰出多些時間招呼客人。吃得開心!
生蠔………………………………………………. 20隻(約400g)
乾辣椒…………………………………………… 1隻
月桂葉…………………………………………… 3片
蒜頭………………………………………………. 1粒
新鮮刁草………………………………………… 10g
橄欖油……………………………………………. 約250m(l 要可蓋過全部生蠔)
海鹽……………………………………………….. 1湯匙
日本清酒…………………………………………. 3湯匙
美極鮮醬油……………………………………… 3湯匙
砂糖……………………………………………….. 1湯匙
1. 辣椒乾去籽切段,蒜頭切片,刁草略切,生蠔放入大碗中,下海鹽撈勻,並用手抓洗至起灰色泡沫,以清水沖洗乾淨,瀝乾。
2. 將生蠔放入易潔鑊中,以中火煮開,此時生蠔會出水,輕輕翻動生蠔,煮至水分收乾,加入調味料炒勻至醬汁收乾,熄火,撈起蠔,待涼備用。
3. 取一玻璃容器,放入煮好涼卻的蠔,加入乾辣椒、月桂葉、 蒜片及刁草,倒入橄欖油,放入雪櫃泡醃兩天便可食用。
• 生蠔與橄欖油的比例,要以可浸過煮熟的蠔為準。
• 要買新鮮的生蠔,否則煮出來會帶有腥味。
20(400g) Fresh oyster
1 Dry chilli
3 Bay leaf
1 Garlic
10g Fresh dill
250ml Olive Oil
1 tbsp Seasalt
3 tbsp Sake
3 tbsp Maggi seasoning
1 tbsp Sugar
1. Chop dry chili, slice the garlic, chop the dill. Put the oysters into a big bowl, add seasalt and mix the oysters together by hand until grey bubbles appear, wash the oysters, let dry.
2. Put oysters into a pan, cook with medium fire, panfry until the oyster water vapour, add seasonings and stir fry until the sauce turns thick. Put the oysters aside and cold down.
3. Put the oysters into a jar, add chili, bay leaves, garlic and dill. Pour olive oil, put into the fridge and marinated for two days, serve.
• The amount of olive oil needs to fully cover the oysters
• Use fresh oysters, otherwise bad smell may appears.