
《溏心風暴3》 靚靚人妻岑麗香 減走微胖靠奇亞籽!



近日在大台《溏心風暴 3》中見岑麗香以靚靚富家女造型示人,乖巧文靜的外表配上纖巧的身形,難怪是劇中王浩信的多年暗戀對象!香香曾經是微胖女,後來婚前瘦身成功,現在的她真的好美!原來她的減肥秘技中,奇亞籽功勞甚大呢!

最近在溏心3 的角色更是討好,溫文又可愛!



香香曾公開過,奇亞籽是她的減肥好幫手 ,每天吃下最少一杯奇亞籽,就是她輕鬆減磅的秘密。而且健康又飽肚呢!



奇亞籽是鼠尾草的種籽,屬薄荷葉家族的一員,近年更上榜成為超級食物,它的碳水化合物量不高,但其含有必需脂肪酸,有助降低膽固醇。而且奇亞籽含有豐富營養和極高纖維,高纖維及低升糖指數。 它含有人體必需品8種氨基酸,當中包括能抗肥胖和燃燒脂肪的氨基酸。跟一般堅果類食物一樣,它也含有非常豐富的Omege-3脂肪酸,有助降低膽固醇,預防血管病及血壓有幫助。更甚的是它不含糖分,但有很多水溶性纖維,吸水膨脹後每100克有34.4克纖維,進食飽肚又無負擔。

Chia seeds are an amazing superfood that contain numerous health and healing benefits.🌟Chia seeds are a rich source of protein, vitamins E & B-complex and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, boron, zinc, strontium, and iron.🙌🏻They are higher in omega-3 fatty acids than any other food and are known to be particularly beneficial for chronic inflammation, heart disease, brain function, cancer, and autoimmune diseases.💗Chia seeds are a great “brain food” and they are known to help improve memory, sharpen focus and concentration skills, and reduce brain fog and forgetfulness.👍🏻Chia seeds are incredibly high in antioxidants and can help to prevent certain health conditions such as heart disease, cancer, and stroke.✨They also contain powerful anti-inflammatory properties which makes them a good food for those who suffer with rheumatoid arthritis, COPD, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, cardiomyopathy, chronic fatigue syndrome, and chronic nerve pain.🙏🏻Chia seeds are a fantastic food for diabetics since they help to stabilize and control blood sugar levels.❤️They are also an excellent weight loss food due to their high fiber and protein content which can boost the metabolism and promote lean muscle mass. 💁🏻Chia seeds are known to help soothe and cleanse the colon as well as absorb toxins while strengthening peristaltic action.🌀Chia seeds provides a great source of energy and can help you feel energized with sustaining energy all day long. 🏃🏻‍♀️Consider preparing a chia pudding by stirring together 3 tablespoons of chia seeds and 14 oz coconut milk and allowing to sit overnight in the refrigerator.👌🏻In the morning, scoop the pudding into a bowl and top with fresh berries.🍓It is a delicious and satisfying meal that will keep you energized and nourish all day long.😋Chia seeds can be found online or at your local health food store.🕊

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I love experimenting new fun ways to add #Chia and #Flax seeds to my daily diet! Use #chiaseeds as a topping on anything and everything, shakes, salad, yogurts, roti, rice, and list goes on 🥙 Chia seeds are an excellent #energy source 💪🏼and packed with nutrition: they contain #fiber, #omega 3 fatty acids, #protein, #vitamins A, B, E, and D, #calcium, copper, phosphorus, potassium, and #zinc. They are rich in #antioxidants and a miracle for your digestive health! Flax seeds need to be roasted and ground first, to unlock their nutrition.I mostly just add them to my roti dough everyday for every meal 🍽 For convenience I use the cold-pressed natural #flaxseed oil by @squirrelhungry. One table spoon of this mildly sweet, nutty oil can add a sufficient amount of healthy omega-3s fatty acids to your meals 🍛 Add chia and flax to all meals and say hello to good health 💫 -Stay fit, M #hungrysquirrel #healthyfood #foodie #productreviews #healthyreviews #healthybody #abs #toned #fit #muscle #fitness #gymselfie #workout #diet #healthydiet #superfoods #makeinindia #india

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奇亞籽 有很多吃法,因為它沒有任何味道,經常會被放入不同材料中一併食用,如牛奶、水果、麥片等。

1. 加入豆漿/脫脂奶當「西米」食

可放入豆漿/脫脂奶浸約30分鐘即成 ,當呈現西米的效果便可進食。


4. 加入乳酪當甜品平日吃



5. 加入水樽隨身攜帶飲用


#050617 #chiaseeds #strawberry

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香香經常在社交網絡上分享 減肥餐單 ,不論早午餐或下午茶,她的餐單裡幾乎都包括牛油果!


Guess who the chef is… me or the hubby?🙊

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香香 30分鐘 運動減肥法

雖然飲食健康均衡是 減肥 的致勝之道,不過 減肥 還是要靠勤做運動去燃燒卡路里,香香平日堅持要持續做30分鐘運動。

為甚麼運動一定要做至少30分鐘? 因為前10分鐘主要是消耗醣類,第10分鐘才開始燃燒脂肪,20分鐘後才能燃燒50%的脂肪。所以運動就必須持續做30分鐘。如果運動6小時後,即使停止運動,也能繼續燃燒脂肪,才可以達至減肥效果呢!

Sunday funday😜

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怕做激烈運動會吃不消的話,其實香香也會做較簡單的按摩滾筒(Foam Roller)鬆弛運動,大家也可以一試呢!

Stretching it out💪🏼 #adidasrunnershongkong

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