荃灣南豐紗廠Halloween萬聖節活動!怪朋友出沒+萬聖節扮裝比賽+Trick or Treat(附交通詳情)
南豐紗廠Halloween萬聖節限定 最怪朋友登場!
一年一度的萬聖節又到了!今個Halloween,一眾怪朋友將現身荃灣南豐紗廠,同大家見面!除了有傳統遊戲Trick or Treat外,更有多個主題活動,像是怪朋友主題貼紙及印水紙、萬聖節扮裝比賽等,非常精彩!
1. 限定禮物換領
2. Instagram攝影比賽
由即日起,凡於南豐紗豐拍影並update到IG,Hashtag#TheMillsHalloween2020,以發標記 @themillshk,即能參加「紗廠怪朋友」萬聖節攝影比賽,有機會贏得紗廠好匠的免費體驗!而最有創意並貼合主題的五張相片,即可獲得價值高達港幣500元的禮券!
3. Trick or Treat?
Trick or Treat為萬聖節傳統之一,小朋友們都會於當日到處討糖果。小朋友於10月30至11月1日,中午12時至晚上8時,自攜容器到指定店鋪,即可與店員大玩Trick or Treat,收獲滿滿糖果!
4. 重量級嘉賓現身!
紗廠最怪朋友梁祖堯將隆重登場,一連兩個禮拜出嚟同你整鬼整怪!南豐紗廠官方FB將會上載萬聖節甜品食譜,大家只需跟住做,完成後拍下照片並於留言欄內上傳,並 @themillshk 及 @joey.pumpkinjojo。當中十位最符合萬聖節主題的參賽者,即有機會獲得$200南豐紗廠餐飲購物禮券!
紗廠最怪朋友出場賀萬聖節!教大人細路一齊整怪嘢~紗廠最怪朋友 梁祖堯 隆重登場,一連兩個禮拜出嚟同你整鬼整怪!立即睇睇本星期血淋淋蛋糕食譜,然後準備材料(紗廠好匠 Bee B Farm 小蜂兒農業 有新鮮好靚紅菜頭及南瓜賣啊!),照阿祖的教學製作血淋淋蛋糕,幫成品拍下照片並於本文的留言欄內上傳,並 @themillshk 及 @joey.pumpkinjojo。被選為十位最血淋淋蛋糕製作人即有機會獲得好匠禮券!(活動條款及細則在本文末)到底下個星期又會整咩怪嘢呢……【萬聖節過嚟紗廠,大把節目!】趣怪印水紙換領 | Trick or Treat今個萬聖節,紗廠怪朋友不但會化身於貼紙及印水紙,給大小朋友大貼特貼以外,10月30日至11月1日紗廠內更會有Trick or Treat活動,現在就開始預備你的萬聖節造型吧!想要貼紙及印水紙嗎?即日起於紗廠內消費滿特定金額即可獲印水紙乙張或怪朋友印水紙及貼紙套裝~ 數量有限,換完即止啊。更多節目及好匠優惠即將登場,敬請緊貼我們的更新啊 :)#萬聖節 #Halloween #怪嘢 #食譜 #蛋糕 #WEIRD #cake #Recipe#南豐紗廠 #TheMills #舊工廠 #新地標#重塑未來 #LifeStyleReinvention#紗廠怪朋友 #TheMillsMonsterFriendsHalloween with our special Monster Friend!Let’s make a spooky dessert with the familyJoey Leung, our special Monster Friend is here to join our Halloween Party! In the coming two weeks, he will have two cooking videos for making spooky desserts. Click the video now to watch the full tutorialal and learn how to make the “Halloween Bloody Beetroot Cake”. Don’t forget to find fresh beetroots and pumpkins at @Bee B Farm! Follow the tutorials to make your version of Halloween dessert! Simply upload the photo of your finished product in the message box below and tag @themillshk & @joey.pumpkinjojo, the 10 best photos will have a chance to win The Mills coupons! ( please refer to the Terms and Conditions at the end of this post)Halloween Fun at The MillsThe Monster Friends will come in stickers and tattoo stickers so that you and your kids can carry them everywhere. From 30th Oct to 1st Nov, The Mills will also has trick-or-treating throughout the space. Pick your best Halloween costume and join the fun! Shop at The Mills and get a limited edition [The Mills Monster Friends] stickers or tattoo stickers. The gifts are available on a first-come, first-served basis. More programs and tenants offers are coming soon, please stay tuned :)========================================「紗廠怪朋友」萬聖節甜品製作活動條款及細則將跟據南豐紗廠Facebook專頁內「紗廠怪朋友」梁祖堯血淋淋蛋糕教學短片製作的甜品拍攝成照片,並上傳參賽相片至該短片的留言欄,即表示你已閱讀、明白,並同意遵守以下所有條款及細則:此活動由南豐紗廠舉辦,只限18歲或以上的香港居民參加參加(「參賽者」)。1. 活動於香港時間即日起至2020年10月31日晚上11時59分截止,參賽者必須於此日期前上載相片至將跟據南豐紗廠Facebook專頁內指定短片的留言欄,上載時間以平台記錄為準。2. 參賽者保證其參賽作品為本人原創、合法之攝影作品,絕無侵犯任何第三方權利,包括任何智慧財產權、隱私權或肖像權。因違反此條款所產生或引致的所有法律責任,一概由參賽者自行負責,南豐紗廠對此恕不負責。3. 參賽者禁止使用任何含有誹謗、中傷、淫穢、色情、褻瀆、威嚇或不法成分的材料,或任何可構成或鼓吹刑事罪行和民事責任行為的材料,否則即視為違反本比賽的規則,南豐紗廠有權取消該作品之參賽資格而不另通知。4. 活動完結後,南豐紗廠及梁祖堯會於參賽作品中選出10位最血淋淋蛋糕造型得奬者。5. 每位得獎者可獲得總值港幣$200南豐紗廠餐飲購物禮券,禮券使用條款及細則由個別商戶決定,並會詳列於禮券上。每份總值港幣$200南豐紗廠餐飲禮券內包含下列商戶禮券:- 港幣$100 小蜂兒餐飲購物禮券;及- 港幣$100 TAP餐飲禮券6. 獎品不得轉讓,亦不可兌換現金或其他禮品。7. 參賽者可上傳多於一張照片,唯只可獲獎一次。8. 參賽者必須授權南豐紗廠使用其參賽作品作相關宣傳或推廣之用途,而南豐紗廠使用其參賽作品之時會於照片介紹內加入參賽者之Facebook帳戶作為照片來源。9. 得獎名單將於比賽結束後兩星期內於南豐紗廠官方Facebook專頁上載;得獎者將於Facebook inbox收到南豐紗廠官方Facebook(themills 南豐紗廠)發出的得獎訊息,得獎者請於5個工作天內直接訊息回覆中及提供相關資料,以便作出領獎安排。若得獎者逾期未回覆得獎訊息,得獎資格將被取消。10. 南豐紗廠概不負責任何由於自然原因或我們合理控制範圍以外的原因直接或間接導致的資料違失。包括但不限於互聯網、電腦設備、電訊設備或其他設備故障、電力故障、罷工、勞資糾紛、火災、水災、風暴、爆炸、天災,或第三方延誤或不履約。個人資料聲明1. 若參賽者上傳參賽相片至南豐紗廠官方Facebook專頁,即表示參賽者同意南豐紗廠收集,使用,存儲和處理參賽者的個人資料。2. 參賽者提供的個人資料將被南豐紗廠用於記錄、宣傳及/或推廣之用途。參賽者有必要向南豐紗廠提供相關的個人資料,如參賽者未能提供所需的個人資料,可能會被拒絕參賽。如有法律規定我們披露參賽者的個人資料,我們會在不事先通知的情況下披露參賽者提供的個人資料。我們亦會應(i)執法機關 (ii)其他政府及監管機構及/或(iii)保險公司的要求在不事先通知參賽者的情況下披露參賽者的個人資料。3. 參賽者提供的個人資料必須是最新、準確及完整。4. 我們的一般政策是參賽者所提交的個人資料將會從收集之日起180天後銷毀。5. 根據《個人資料(私隱)條例》,參賽者有權(a)要求查閱所填報的個人資料;(b)更正所填報的個人資料;(c) 獲告知資料使用者所持有的個人資料的種類; (d)獲告知資料使用者持有的個人資料是為或將會為甚麼主要目的而使用的;及(e)隨時撤回給我們處理個人數據的同意。如欲行使以上權利,可以書面方式通知我們的黎小姐 (地址: 荃灣白田壩街45號南豐紗廠4樓或電郵: communications@themills.com.hk。Terms and conditions of“The Mills Monster Friends” Dessert Making Competition By uploading the photo to facebook on the message box of “The Mills Monster Friends” Joey Leung’s cooking videos, you confirm that you have read, understood and agreed to be bound by the following terms and conditions: –The Competition is organized by The Mills Limited (“The Mills”) and is only available to Hong Kong residents aged 18 or above (“Participant”).1. The Competition will be closed on 31 October 2020 at 11:59 p.m.. Participants must upload photos to facebook before this time. The upload time is subject to the platform record.2. Participant warrant that the photos submitted are his original works, and there is no infringement of any rights (including but not limited to intellectual property rights) of any third parties. The Participant shall be solely responsible for all liabilities arising therefrom. If The Mills suffers any loss or damages in connection with the Participant’s photos, the Participant agrees to indemnify for all losses and damages (including but not limited to the legal costs).3. Participant must not use any materials that are libelous, slanderous, obscene, pornographic, defamatory, discriminatory, intimidating or unlawful, or any material that may constitute any criminal or civil liability. Otherwise, the Participant will be considered as violating the terms and conditions of the Competition. The Mills has the right to disqualify the Participant without notice. The Mills has the right to delete any comments or works which are considered as violating this term in The Mills’s sole opinion.4. After the closure of the Competition, The Mills and Joey Leung will select ten winners whose submitted photos most creatively elaborate the theme of “Bloody Halloween Cake”(10 candidates). 5. Each winner will be awarded with HKD$200 Coupon that offers from different merchants in The Mills. List of merchants and coupon value as listed:1. Bee B Farm Coupon HKD$100; and 2. TAP-The Ale Project Coupon HKD$100; 6. The prize is non-transferable and cannot be exchanged for cash.7. Participants can submit more than one photo but each Participant can win once at most.8. Participants agree that The Mills has the worldwide perpetual right, but without any obligation or responsibility, to use the photos submitted in any media or form without payment of any fee for uploading and posting on facebook or other social medias or web pages for public viewing and downloading. The Mills will name the facebook account of the Participant as photo source when using the photo for promotional purpose.9. The Mills will announce the competition results on official facebook around (@themillshk) and official Instagram account (@themillshk) within two weeks upon the completion of the competition. The Mills will notify the winners through facebook inbox with the official account (@themillshk). Winners must reply and provide the requisite information in full details within 5 working days for prize collection purpose. Otherwise, the prize of such winner will be forfeited.10. The Mills shall not be responsible for any loss of data directly or indirectly due to any natural cause or other causes which are not under The Mills’s reasonable control, including but not limited to a breakdown or failure of internet, computer, communication facilities or any other equipment, or any power failure, strike, labour disputes, fires, floods, storms, explosions, natural disasters, or third party delays or non-performance.Personal data collection statement1. By uploading the photo to facebook on the official facebook account of The Mills, you confirm that you have agreed the usage, storage of the personal data of the participants. 2. Personal data collected in the Competition will be used by The Mills for the Competition, promotion , arrangement for awards and other direct related purposes. It is mandatory for participants to provide the personal data . Failure to provide such mandatary data may result in The Mills unable to accept the qualification in participating for the competition. The Mills will disclose data when required to do so by law and may also disclose such date in response to requests from law enforcement agencies or other government and regulatory authorities. 3. Participants must provide complete, accurate and up-to-date personal data.4. The personal data provided by participants will be destroyed in 180 days upon the collection date.5. Under the Ordinance, participants have the right of access to personal information held by us and to request correction of the information . If the person concerned has the right to contact Ms Lai (address: 4/F The Mills, 45 Pak Tin Park Street, Tsuen Wan or email : communications@themills.com.hk) to review and correct the personal information stored about him.
Posted by The Mills 南豐紗廠 on Tuesday, October 13, 2020
荃灣南豐紗廠位處荃灣柴灣角,主辦單位現在提供來往荃灣地鐵站至南豐紗廠的小巴專線,前往人士可於荃灣政府合署對面 (近荃灣港鐵站A4 出口)上車,每二十分鐘一班,而且費用全免!回程時於南豐紗廠停車場等車即可返回荃灣地鐵站,非常方便!按此睇穿梭巴士時間表。