TigerFoo新歌《day n night》|歌詞+新歌試聽+MV
TigerFoo《day n night》 | 目錄
- TigerFoo《day n night》|歌詞
- TigerFoo《day n night》|製作
- TigerFoo《day n night》|新歌試聽
- TigerFoo《day n night》|MV
TigerFoo《day n night》|歌詞
So every day and night
靜靜地 深呼吸 繼續去
Talk talk talk I know that’s crazy
All the time
Yeah I’ll be by your side
In my mind (1,2,3,4)
I’ve been thinking bout the sunset
I’m so fking bored who cares
Siting by the window
Watching all the car go
It just like a movie baby
Is alright 沉醉於一剎
I let myself out today
So every day and night
靜靜地 深呼吸 繼續去
Talk talk talk I know that’s crazy
All the time
Yeah I’ll be by your side
In my mind
講半句話也好 dm 我也好
That’s alright but I want you to be with me right now
不知不覺 time has flown by
Till the sunrise
I’ve been waiting for you
Is easy
To notice you
Don’t let me go
I’m not even hiding
Thinking about you now
So every day and night
靜靜地 深呼吸 繼續去
Talk talk talk I know that’s crazy
All the time
Yeah I’ll be by your side
In my mind
TigerFoo《day n night》|製作
TigerFoo《day n night》|新歌試聽
TigerFoo《day n night》|MV