Peder Elias If I Got a Dollar Peder Elias新歌《If I Got a Dollar》|歌詞+新歌試聽+MV

Peder Elias新歌《If I Got a Dollar》|歌詞+新歌試聽+MV



If I Got a Dollar歌詞|Peder Elias於2025-02-14推出全新歌曲《If I Got a Dollar》,新假期為您整合了Peder Elias新歌的詳細資訊、歌詞內容,以及MV的首播曝光情報。

Peder Elias《If I Got a Dollar》 | 目錄

  1. Peder Elias《If I Got a Dollar》|歌詞
  2. Peder Elias《If I Got a Dollar》|製作
  3. Peder Elias《If I Got a Dollar》|新歌試聽
  4. Peder Elias《If I Got a Dollar》|MV

Peder Elias《If I Got a Dollar》|歌詞

If I got a dollar every time that you broke my heart
I’d be a millionaire

The things that we could do with some money
Wake up in a whole other country
But you’d rather turn my whole world upside down

How you’re back and forth with me lately
Up, down, like a trampoline baby
One day you're so into me, next day falling out

Should be half the world away
But I keep running back

If I got a dollar every time that you broke my heart
If I got a dollar for each fight that you took too far
I’d live in a penthouse, uptown, roll out fancy cars
If I got a dollar every time that you broke my heart
I’d be a millionaire

Da da da
I’d be a millionaire
Da da da
I’d be a millionaire

Slow down
Chill out to the sound of the bassline
Stop making a mess out of my mind
You know that you’re killing me with those hazel eyes

From the good to the bad
From the happy to sad
No, I can’t cut me loose
I need help, help running from you

Should be half the world away
But I don’t have the cash

If I got a dollar every time that you broke my heart
If I got a dollar for each fight that you took too far
I’d live in a penthouse, uptown, roll out fancy cars
If I got a dollar every time that you broke my heart
I’d be a millionaire

Da da da
I’d be a millionaire
Da da da
I’d be a millionaire

I’d be so rich I could fly
Touch every cloud in the sky
See any city I like
Dance with the stars every night
I’d be so rich I could change
Anyone’s life in one day
I’d grant any wish
‘Cause man I’d be rich

If I got a dollar every time that you broke my heart
If I got a dollar for each fight that you took too far
I’d live in a penthouse, uptown, roll out fancy cars
If I got a dollar every time that you broke my heart
I’d be a millionaire

Da da da
I’d be a millionaire
Da da da
I’d be a millionaire


Peder Elias《If I Got a Dollar》|製作


Peder Elias《If I Got a Dollar》|新歌試聽


Peder Elias《If I Got a Dollar》|MV


