moon tang新歌《molly》|歌詞+新歌試聽+MV
molly歌詞|moon tang於2025-03-11推出全新歌曲《molly》,新假期為您整合了moon tang新歌的詳細資訊、歌詞內容,以及MV的首播曝光情報。
moon tang《molly》 | 目錄
moon tang《molly》|歌詞
molly – moon tang
Lyrics by:moon tang
Composed by:moon tang
Arranged by:Nic Tsui
Produced by:moon tang/Nic Tsui
Molly is a girl who likes to play with her dog
Just sitting by the lake with her new cotton dress
Sleeping on the tree like its her own bed
Her mother always said she's a little weird
She's questioning the universe
Talking to the morning birds
Singing her song in her head
And it goes like
La dee daa dee daa dee daa daa
La dee daa dee daa dee daa daa
La dee daa dee daa dee daa daa
La dee daa dee daa dee daa daa
La dee daa dee daa dee daa daa
La dee daa dee daa dee daa daa
moon tang《molly》|製作
moon tang《molly》|新歌試聽
moon tang《molly》|MV