Lost Frequencies, Bastille Head Down Lost Frequencies, Bastille新歌《Head Down》|歌詞+新歌試聽+MV

Lost Frequencies, Bastille新歌《Head Down》|歌詞+新歌試聽+MV



Head Down歌詞|Lost Frequencies, Bastille於2023-12-29推出全新歌曲《Head Down》,新假期為您整合了Lost Frequencies, Bastille新歌的詳細資訊、歌詞內容,以及MV的首播曝光情報。

Lost Frequencies, Bastille《Head Down》 | 目錄

  1. Lost Frequencies, Bastille《Head Down》|歌詞
  2. Lost Frequencies, Bastille《Head Down》|製作
  3. Lost Frequencies, Bastille《Head Down》|新歌試聽
  4. Lost Frequencies, Bastille《Head Down》|MV

Lost Frequencies, Bastille《Head Down》|歌詞


I was burning every candle every hour of the night
Kept on searching high and low here in the dark
I was hoping to escape and make a change here in my life
It only takes one little thing to light a spark

And you said
"Hearts break, life can knock you to the ground
Don't hang your head down, head down
You're still young, but know the best is yet to come
Don't hang your head down, head down"

Don't hang your head down, head down
Don't hang your head down, head down
Don't hang your head down, head down
Don't hang your head down, head down

It's gonna be alright, be alright, be alright
It's gonna be okay, be okay

I keep lighting little fires to feel something, to get burned
But at least they keep me warm just for a while
I got these growing pains and problems, I got so much left to learn
As I wonder and I stumble through this land

I worry 'bout the things I can't control
Oh, oh, till the break of dawn
I think of all the things I'll never know
Oh, oh, till the break of dawn

And you said
"Hearts break, life can knock you to the ground
Don't hang your head down, head down
You're still young, but know the best is yet to come
Don't hang your head down, head down"

Don't hang your head down, head down
Don't hang your head down, head down
Don't hang your head down, head down
Don't hang your head down, head down

It's gonna be alright, be alright, be alright
It's gonna be okay

And you said
"Hearts break, life can knock you to the ground
Don't hang your head down, head down
You're still young and know the best is yet to come
Don't hang your head down, head down"

Don't hang your head down, head down


Lost Frequencies, Bastille《Head Down》|製作

作曲:Dag Lundberg, Dan Smith, Lost Frequencies, Johan Lindbrandt & Shylde
作詞:Dag Lundberg, Dan Smith, Lost Frequencies, Johan Lindbrandt & Shylde

Lost Frequencies, Bastille《Head Down》|新歌試聽


Lost Frequencies, Bastille《Head Down》|MV

