Kiri T / moon tang You Make It Feel Like Christmas Kiri T / moon tang新歌《You Make It Feel Like Christmas》|歌詞+新歌試聽+MV

Kiri T / moon tang新歌《You Make It Feel Like Christmas》|歌詞+新歌試聽+MV



You Make It Feel Like Christmas歌詞|Kiri T / moon tang於2023-12-05推出全新歌曲《You Make It Feel Like Christmas》,新假期為您整合了Kiri T / moon tang新歌的詳細資訊、歌詞內容,以及MV的首播曝光情報。

Kiri T / moon tang《You Make It Feel Like Christmas》 | 目錄

  1. Kiri T / moon tang《You Make It Feel Like Christmas》|歌詞
  2. Kiri T / moon tang《You Make It Feel Like Christmas》|製作
  3. Kiri T / moon tang《You Make It Feel Like Christmas》|新歌試聽
  4. Kiri T / moon tang《You Make It Feel Like Christmas》|MV

Kiri T / moon tang《You Make It Feel Like Christmas》|歌詞

I want to thank the storm that brought the snow
Thanks to the string of lights that make it glow
But I wanna thank you, baby
You make it feel like Christmas

It barely took a breath to realize
We're gonna be a classic for all time
I wanna thank you, baby
You make it feel like Christmas

Sweet gingerbread made with molasses
My heart skipped and I reacted
Can't believe that this is happening
Like a present sent from God

Sleigh bells singing Hallelujah
Stars are shining on us, too
I wanna thank you, baby
You make it feel like Christmas

Thought I was done for, thought that love had died
But you came along, I swear you saved my life
And I wanna thank you, baby
You make it feel like Christmas

Sweet gingerbread made with molasses
My heart skipped and I reacted
Can't believe that this is happening
Like a present sent from God

Sleigh bells singing Hallelujah
Stars are shining on us, too
I wanna thank you, baby
You make it feel like Christmas

I never thought I'd find a love like this
But I found forever in that very first kiss
I wanna thank you, baby
You make it feel like Christmas

I wanna thank you, baby
You make it feel like Christmas


Kiri T / moon tang《You Make It Feel Like Christmas》|製作

作曲:Busbee / Justin Tranter / Gwen Stefani / Blake Shelton
作詞:Busbee / Justin Tranter / Gwen Stefani / Blake Shelton
編曲:Kiri T
監製:Kiri T

Kiri T / moon tang《You Make It Feel Like Christmas》|新歌試聽


Kiri T / moon tang《You Make It Feel Like Christmas》|MV

