Kiri T / moon tang Not on This Christmas Kiri T / moon tang新歌《Not on This Christmas》|歌詞+新歌試聽+MV

Kiri T / moon tang新歌《Not on This Christmas》|歌詞+新歌試聽+MV



Not on This Christmas歌詞|Kiri T / moon tang於2023-12-05推出全新歌曲《Not on This Christmas》,新假期為您整合了Kiri T / moon tang新歌的詳細資訊、歌詞內容,以及MV的首播曝光情報。

Kiri T / moon tang《Not on This Christmas》 | 目錄

  1. Kiri T / moon tang《Not on This Christmas》|歌詞
  2. Kiri T / moon tang《Not on This Christmas》|製作
  3. Kiri T / moon tang《Not on This Christmas》|新歌試聽
  4. Kiri T / moon tang《Not on This Christmas》|MV

Kiri T / moon tang《Not on This Christmas》|歌詞

The Christmas I’ve been waiting for
Cuddling on the sofa by the fireplace
Our puppy sitting next to us
Wearing matching sweaters
Feeling warm together

Every time I, I dream too hard to bring you to life
But every time I, I fall too hard and barely survive
But just for once, I want you to be real, for one night

And in this city
Where it ain’t cold
Ain’t got no snowmen the trees don’t grow
But in this city
There’s no one to hold
I’m used to ghosting and being alone
But not on this Christmas

Your lips on mine under the mistletoe
my cheeks so red they’re meltin’ all the snow
When you’re mine
We lose track of time

Every time I, I dream too hard to bring you to life
But every time I, I fall too hard and barely survive
But just for once, I want you to be real, for one night

And in this city
Where it ain’t cold
Ain’t got no snowmen the trees don’t grow
But in this city
There’s no one to hold
I’m used to ghosting and being alone
But not on this Christmas

And in this city
Where it ain’t cold
Ain’t got no snowmen the trees don’t grow
But in this city
There’s no one to hold
I’m used to ghosting and being alone

And in this city
Where it ain’t cold
Ain’t got no snowmen the trees don’t grow
But in this city
There’s no one to hold
I’m used to ghosting and being alone
But not on this Christmas


Kiri T / moon tang《Not on This Christmas》|製作

作曲:Kiri T / Gavin Chan
作詞:Kiri T / Gavin Chan
編曲:Kiri T
監製:Kiri T / Gavin Chan

Kiri T / moon tang《Not on This Christmas》|新歌試聽


Kiri T / moon tang《Not on This Christmas》|MV

