Kiri T / moon tang新歌《Christmas Hideaway》|歌詞+新歌試聽+MV
Kiri T / moon tang《Christmas Hideaway》 | 目錄
- Kiri T / moon tang《Christmas Hideaway》|歌詞
- Kiri T / moon tang《Christmas Hideaway》|製作
- Kiri T / moon tang《Christmas Hideaway》|新歌試聽
- Kiri T / moon tang《Christmas Hideaway》|MV
Kiri T / moon tang《Christmas Hideaway》|歌詞
I wanna leave this town
Wear all my favourite sweaters
Why does it feel summer still
It’s December
Saw u across the street
Looking like a cotton candy boy
Wondering what you’re waiting for
On this Christmas eve
Come on let’s run away
What do you say?
Hop on a plane
On Christmas day
We’ve got some places to be
Just you and me
Tell me your free
This holiday
Nobody gotta know
We can take it slow
Wrap me in your arms under the snow
It’s the perfect season to fall in love
This Christmas has just begun
I wanna go outside
Snow angel by the beach
Daydreaming about this winter
You and me and the forever boy
What is your favourite colour
Tell me everything about you dear
Wondering why, you’re still not mine
Oh on this Christmas eve
Come on let’s run a away
What do you say?
Hop on a plane
On Christmas day
We’ve got some places to be
Just you and me
Tell me your free
This holiday
Nobody gotta know
We can take it slow
Wrap me in your arms under the snow
It’s the perfect season to fall in love
This Christmas has just begun
Kiri T / moon tang《Christmas Hideaway》|製作
作曲:Moon Tang
作詞:Moon Tang
編曲:Justin Yau
監製:Justin Yau
Kiri T / moon tang《Christmas Hideaway》|新歌試聽
Kiri T / moon tang《Christmas Hideaway》|MV