Joby Talbot, Neil Hannon, & The Cast of Wonka新歌《A World of Your Own》|歌詞+新歌試聽+MV
Joby Talbot, Neil Hannon, & The Cast of Wonka《A World of Your Own》 | 目錄
- Joby Talbot, Neil Hannon, & The Cast of Wonka《A World of Your Own》|歌詞
- Joby Talbot, Neil Hannon, & The Cast of Wonka《A World of Your Own》|製作
- Joby Talbot, Neil Hannon, & The Cast of Wonka《A World of Your Own》|新歌試聽
- Joby Talbot, Neil Hannon, & The Cast of Wonka《A World of Your Own》|MV
Joby Talbot, Neil Hannon, & The Cast of Wonka《A World of Your Own》|歌詞
Close your eyes and count to ten
Make a wish, now open them
Here's a store that's like no other
If it were, I wouldn't bother
Chocolate bushes, chocolate trees
Chocolate flowers and chocolate bees
Chocolate memories that a boy once saved
Before they melted away
A world of your own
A place to escape to
A world of your own
Where you can be free
Wherever you go
Wherever life takes you
This is your home
A world of your own
Here is the child that you left behind
Here is the kid with the curious mind
Here is the wonder we used to feel
Back when the magic was real
A world of your own
A place to go when you're
Feeling alone
Feeling unsure
Embrace the unknown
Enjoy the adventure
Let's go strolling in the clouds
Grab a handful, it's allowed
Clouds are made of cotton candy
Just keep your umbrella handy
'Cause there's a hard rain gonna fall Humbugs, gumdrops, and aniseed balls
Fireworks bring sugar string
To chew
All the colors of the rainbow
And some others too
A world of our own (A world of our own)
A place to escape to (A place to escape to)
The world of our own (A world of our own)
Where we can be free (Where we can be free)
Wherever you go (Wherever you go)
Wherever life takes you (Wherever life takes you)
This is our home (Ooh)
A world of our own
Joby Talbot, Neil Hannon, & The Cast of Wonka《A World of Your Own》|製作
Joby Talbot, Neil Hannon, & The Cast of Wonka《A World of Your Own》|新歌試聽
Joby Talbot, Neil Hannon, & The Cast of Wonka《A World of Your Own》|MV