JENNIE, Dominic Fike Love Hangover JENNIE, Dominic Fike新歌《Love Hangover》|歌詞+新歌試聽+MV

JENNIE, Dominic Fike新歌《Love Hangover》|歌詞+新歌試聽+MV



Love Hangover歌詞|JENNIE, Dominic Fike於2025-01-31推出全新歌曲《Love Hangover》,新假期為您整合了JENNIE, Dominic Fike新歌的詳細資訊、歌詞內容,以及MV的首播曝光情報。

JENNIE, Dominic Fike《Love Hangover》 | 目錄

  1. JENNIE, Dominic Fike《Love Hangover》|歌詞
  2. JENNIE, Dominic Fike《Love Hangover》|製作
  3. JENNIE, Dominic Fike《Love Hangover》|新歌試聽
  4. JENNIE, Dominic Fike《Love Hangover》|MV

JENNIE, Dominic Fike《Love Hangover》|歌詞


Arranger:Ido Zmishlany & JENNIE

I'm over, I'm so over
This love hangover (Yeah, go)

Fight me, fight me, fight me
You made me so unlike me
I don't wanna talk, come behind me
Know you ain't the one, but you might be
Who sent you? Who sent you? Who sent you?
Who sent you 'round again? (Who sent you 'round?)
I'm so, l'm so shady
I don't really mind when you play me
Wanna switch it up, go crazy
I ain't gonna leave 'til you hate me
Who sent you? Who sent you? Who sent you?
Who sent you 'round? (Who sent you 'round?)

We say it's over (Uh)
But I keep fucking with you (Yeah)
And every time I do, I wake up with this love hangover
You got me pourin' for two
I swore l'd never do it again
Until you came over (Uh)
I started lying with you (Yeah)
And every time I do, I wake up with this love hangover, ah-oh
I swear I'll never do it again

Ah, shit, I did it again (Call me back, call me back, call me back)
Oh-oh-oh, but you know l'm gonna do it again (Oh, shit, oh, shit, call me back, call me back, call me back)
Yeah, you know I'm gonna do it again

I had woke up in a daze, my sweat was cold, my lip was cracked
I can't leave this bitch, I had to single, double, triple back
She gon' leave me, but she wants to keep me on, what's up with that?
I don't even really got time for all that shit right now, l'm a baby father
And all them jokes she told at dinner last night ain't had me dead, I was playing possum
And when the waiter brought the check, she said, "Let's head to mine" I said, "Okay, awesome"
One minute, we're growin' apart, and next, I'm in her apartment
Just watchin' her get naked and not thinkin' with my heart
I ain't even really got time for all that shit right now,
But if she wanted it right now
Then I could meet you there right now (Now, now, now, now)
Even though you barely even drink (Uh-huh), we hardly even spoke (Uh-huh)
But I know when I wake up that I'm still gon' feel that hangover, babe

We say it's over (Uh)
But I keep fucking with you (Yeah)
And every time I do, I wake up with this love hangover (Uh-huh)
You got me pourin' for two (Uh-huh)
I swore l'd never do it again
Until you came over (Uh)
I started lying with you (Yeah)
And every time I do, I wake up with this love hangover, ah-oh
I swear I'll never do it again

Ah, shit, I did it again (Call me back, call me back, call me back)
Oh-oh-oh, but you know l'm gonna do it again (Oh, shit)
Uh-huh, uh-huh (Call me back, call me back, uh-huh, call me back)
(Thought you'd never do it again)
Yeah, you know I'm gonna do it again

Back, back, ba-ba-back (Call me back, call me back, call me back)
Back, back, ba-ba-back (Ah, shit, ah, shit, ayy)
Back, back, ba-ba-back (Call me back, call me back, call me back)
Back, back, ba-ba-back (Ah, shit, ah, shit, ayy)
Back, back, ba-ba-back (Single, double, triple back, uh-huh)
Back, back, ba-ba-back (Single, double, triple back right now, right now, yeah)
Ah, shit, ah, shit (Single, double, triple back)
Back, back, ba-ba-back (Don't know what l'm saying at this point)


JENNIE, Dominic Fike《Love Hangover》|製作

作曲:Ido Zmishlany, bülow, Blaise Railey, Carly Gibert, Dominic Fike & Devin Workman
作詞:Ido Zmishlany, bülow, Blaise Railey, Carly Gibert & Dominic Fike

JENNIE, Dominic Fike《Love Hangover》|新歌試聽


JENNIE, Dominic Fike《Love Hangover》|MV






