Devin Kennedy In My Imagination Devin Kennedy新歌《In My Imagination》|歌詞+新歌試聽+MV

Devin Kennedy新歌《In My Imagination》|歌詞+新歌試聽+MV



In My Imagination歌詞|Devin Kennedy於2024-06-13推出全新歌曲《In My Imagination》,新假期為您整合了Devin Kennedy新歌的詳細資訊、歌詞內容,以及MV的首播曝光情報。

Devin Kennedy《In My Imagination》 | 目錄

  1. Devin Kennedy《In My Imagination》|歌詞
  2. Devin Kennedy《In My Imagination》|製作
  3. Devin Kennedy《In My Imagination》|新歌試聽
  4. Devin Kennedy《In My Imagination》|MV

Devin Kennedy《In My Imagination》|歌詞

In my imagination
We got a house on a hill somewhere
In my imagination
On our porch with our rocking chairs
And there's kids in the yard too
And they're looking just like you
In my imagination

I'm reminiscing deep in my thoughts
Wishing for something that never was
In this coffee shop, the whole world stops
So I'm here writing stories up in my head
I might love you but we've never met, oh
I hope that we don't stay in
In my imagination

I get up and I walk your way
Take a chance and I ask your name
Can't stop my hands from shaking
And you laugh because you're doing the same
And we talk till it gets dark
And I walk you to your car
In my imagination

I'm still reminiscing deep in my thoughts
Wishing for something that never was
In this coffee shop, the whole world stops
So I'm here writing stories up in my head
I might love you but we've never met, oh
I hope that we don't stay in
In my imagination

I'm not the type to be falling for a perfect stranger
But that look in your eyes and that smile, it makes me want to stay here
In this room
Pretending you're pretending too

Are you reminiscing deep in your thoughts
Wishing for something that never was?
In this coffee shop, did your whole world stop?
'Cause I'm here writing stories up in my head
I might love you but we've never met, oh
I hope that we don't stay in
In my imagination

In my imagination
In my imagination


Devin Kennedy《In My Imagination》|製作


Devin Kennedy《In My Imagination》|新歌試聽


Devin Kennedy《In My Imagination》|MV

