蘇打綠 (sodagreen)新歌《//》|歌詞+新歌試聽+MV 新歌推薦 P Aug 5 2024 廣告 //歌詞|蘇打綠 (sodagreen)於2024-08-01推出全新歌曲《//》,新假期為您整合了蘇打綠 (sodagreen)新歌的詳細資訊、歌詞內容,以及MV的首播曝光情報。 閱讀全文 蘇打綠 (sodagreen)《//》 | 目錄 蘇打綠 (sodagreen)《//》|歌詞 蘇打綠 (sodagreen)《//》|製作 蘇打綠 (sodagreen)《//》|新歌試聽 蘇打綠 (sodagreen)《//》|MV 蘇打綠 (sodagreen)《//》|歌詞 Dionysus let it rain without reason All the indulgent desire had been unbuttoned Our wisdom can only control all the animals but humans They all become Dolphins 回到目錄 蘇打綠 (sodagreen)《//》|製作 有待更新 回到目錄 蘇打綠 (sodagreen)《//》|新歌試聽 回到目錄 蘇打綠 (sodagreen)《//》|MV 有待更新 回到目錄 關鍵詞//歌詞蘇打綠 (Sodagreen)新歌 圖片來源:專輯封面