王菀之 (Ivana Wong) Shattered 王菀之 (Ivana Wong)新歌《Shattered》|歌詞+新歌試聽+MV

王菀之 (Ivana Wong)新歌《Shattered》|歌詞+新歌試聽+MV



Shattered歌詞|王菀之 (Ivana Wong)於2024-01-19推出全新歌曲《Shattered》,新假期為您整合了王菀之 (Ivana Wong)新歌的詳細資訊、歌詞內容,以及MV的首播曝光情報。

王菀之 (Ivana Wong)《Shattered》 | 目錄

  1. 王菀之 (Ivana Wong)《Shattered》|歌詞
  2. 王菀之 (Ivana Wong)《Shattered》|製作
  3. 王菀之 (Ivana Wong)《Shattered》|新歌試聽
  4. 王菀之 (Ivana Wong)《Shattered》|MV

王菀之 (Ivana Wong)《Shattered》|歌詞

A path to somewhere
misty and forgiving
Pebbles are shining
Feeling of joy in the air

Then tear in a prayer was heard
but it’s fading
Clouds are returning
Sprinkling stories here and there

Love is light
I see you and I see them
Ash tastes like regrets and truths
but we ran

Still singing is the moon
The earth a single tune
but you and I are scattered
Finally, the blue is not so blue
The dark has spoken,
we are indeed colorless

Then tear in a prayer was heard
but it’s fading
Clouds are returning
Sprinkling stories here and there

Love is light
I see you and I see them
Ash tastes like regrets and truths
but we ran

Still singing is the moon
The earth a single tune
but you and I are scattered
Finally, the blue is not so blue
The dark has spoken,
we all are blended as one

The flowers never bloom
And answers fail too soon
When hopes and dreams are shattered
Porcelain is broken into sand
Then washed to shore in spring
birds are staring from their nest

Whispers in the wind
Voices of the shattered


王菀之 (Ivana Wong)《Shattered》|製作

作曲:Ivana Wong
作詞:Ivana Wong
編曲:Ivana Wong
監製:Ivana Wong

王菀之 (Ivana Wong)《Shattered》|新歌試聽


王菀之 (Ivana Wong)《Shattered》|MV

